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(#7 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: South coast England
10-30-2010, 04:21 PM

thats awful robot., were you in Somalia>

Yes its insane that all that money is wasted on transporting these people.

why are the goods shipped out so awful? Is it the way they have been kept or not washed? etc.

Not everyone here are leeches. with all the forced redundancies many people are forced out of work.

The high cost of housing causes a lot of hardship and the greedy landlords that charge ridiculously high rent-- takes most of a workers wages. certainly with my family.

In the days when there was council housing more people had a hope of renting property at a fair price.

everything changed here when so called care in the community came into being. Plus Margaret thatchers policies.

The aim is for the elderly to remain at home and be cared for in their own home, but the social services never have enough staff to fulfil their needs.

our current coalition govt is whizzing through so many radical cuts and changes-- I dread to think of the outcome.

workers who are in the care system usually are very badly paid.

So there is less care here than there used to be.

It is lazy leeches who do just take take take-- but not all workers are like that. They struggle just to make ends meet. which is why I wonder so many are keen to come to live here.
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