Originally Posted by masaegu
Because, in order to 留学する, one must first go to that country. Moving from Point A to Point B is described by に or へ, but not by で.
I must admit, though, that some of us native speakers make that mistake with the verb 留学する for some reason. I think they mistakenly put the emphasis on the "study" part rather than the "go" part.
先生には言えません。ただし、先生と冗談(じょうだん )を言っている時なら、「まあね」と言う事はありえま す。
Originally Posted by masaegu
The point that I wanted to make is that we often omit the "yes/no" part in answering yes/no questions. We answer them by simply repeating the predicate parts of the questions. This is very important and you have probably noticed it from watching dramas.
Q: あの人知ってる?
A: 知ってる。
A: 知らない。
Q: 日本語できるの?
A: できる。
A: できない。
ああ、そうですか。 もう知っていたかもしれないけれ ども、忘れちゃったと思います。
I only started watching dramas 2 weeks ago, and last week didn't count because I had to study for a test and really only watched over and over the first episodes. As I'm picking vocabulary from the subtitles I have to watch them several times to stay in my long term memory.
I feel that my listening skills improved greatly since I started watching dramas! By the way the drama I'm watching is "Mother", with 松雪泰子. It's great because I can understand a lot of what's being said, since the main characters are a 35 year old woman and a 5 year old girl.
I think watching dramas will help me a lot. I'm so excited! I love the japanese language so much!
日本に留学できるかしら・・・・自分の目的は日本語の 修士課程を取ることです。 福岡大学で。でもね、日本 語能力試験2級が要ります。ポルトガルは日本語ができ る人が少ない、だから、仕事を見つけることって容易か もしれません。
Originally Posted by masaegu
Here's how girls use it. Try translating the following sentences.
「見たい映画がふたつあるんだけど、どっちを見ようか しら。」
お昼=お昼ごはん。 って=は。
lol I just answered that above. It's the colloquial form of は = "as for".
1 - I wonder what we'll have for lunch.
2 - There's 2 movies I want to see, (I wonder) which one should I see...
3 - I wonder if Tanaka-san doesn't like me..
4 - I wonder if tomorrow will rain...
5 - I wonder who it is...
I think I got it now
Originally Posted by masaegu
実際=実際に = in reality, actually. This 実際 is VERY often used.
「実際そうだけど、そうだとしても・・・」 means "That's gotta be the case but even if it was so......"
I can't undertand と and しても, I mean I get the idea, but can't fully understand it nor explain it if someone asked me to.
Originally Posted by masaegu
たくさん質問する人って大好き!そういう人って必ず伸 びるからね。
伸びる= to improve (one's skills at something. In this case, Japanese skills, of course.)
- 奈緒ねえに結婚式の招待状出したんだけどさ。
I think the translation would be something like this:
Her invitation arrived but (she will not come)...
- 私達就活終わったしさ…。
Hmm, I get the idea but don't really know how to tranlate. I hate to translate from japanese to english -_-, fortunately in my tests I have to the exactly the opposite.
手伝ってくださってありがとうございました。もうすぐ 新しい質問すると思います。