Thread: weird language
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10-31-2010, 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by mandalina View Post
But you know your language first and English second shouldn't you find it weird how it is in English?
Yeah, English can be very confusing at times. Although I still think it's not a tough language to learn. Pronunciation mainly. How the heck does one word get two different pronunciations?! (eg. either, direction). That's not a common thing you find in many languages, or is it?

Also, what's funny is that every verb demands an explicit subject, which has to have a specific gender even though it doesn't affect the rest of the words in the sentence [He is happy / She is happy . Happy stays the same]. In Catalan (and Spanish, and most languages that come from ancient Latin), a subject ain't always needed (cause you can tell who the subject is by how the verb is conjugated) but every single object or noun complement has a gender as well [Está contento / Está contenta; the O, in the first case, lets us know the subject is a HE, while the A; in the second case, makes it unnecesary for the subject to be there cause we know from that one letter it's feminine therefore SHE]. That's why it's funny when an English-speaking person has a go at speaking Spanish, they just never get that right with the genders.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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