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(#73 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: South coast England
10-31-2010, 10:40 PM

doesn't it boil down to people are just people wherever you go.

Here in UK no two towns are identical. A lot does depend where you live of course. In High rise flats or nice bungalow on estates-- in big cities or small ones. In the country which is different from towns or cities.

Certain areas gain certain reputations.

We have neighbours from hell- or wonderful neighbours. we cannot tar everybody with the same brush. So much depends on individual circumstances.

The Old testament tells us SPare the Rod, Spoil the child. I believe we are all wild animals when we are born and we have to quickly learn our boundaries.

We need discipline-- all of us do------ we have to obey certain rules.

Since parents have been told they must never smack their child-- and schools are not allowed to really discipline children-- where do we go? does anyone watch "SUPER NANNY"?

my goodness when I see the way some of those children behave-- they are often out of control-- why? because of very poor parenting-- parents who give in to a child every time it has a tantrum. can ruin that child for good. children need guidance and to know their own boundaries. Super Nanny uses the "Naughty Step" to teach a child it will have to stay there until they say sorry and realise what they have done wrong.

Drugs are a problem here. Alcohol is too easily available--

Times have definitely changed here----not always for the good either.

I believe children need to learn respect and to be encourraged in good positive ways when they are young so they have good self esteem and not feel the need to go out vandalising or even killing as happens now. So many things Have changed without a doubt. I often wonder what country I am living in now. But there are plenty of wonderful things about our country. I love England very much indeed. Its just the crazy laws that caused so many of the troubles and of course especially housing. we are a very small country, we are having to learn to assimilate people from around the world. They in their way also mean change to our cultures.

I am a war child and we jolly well appreciated every little thing we had.

Perhaps some psychologists could tell us how to put things right because we are in amess.But not everything is bad at all.

On the whole most people are decent people if they get a good start in life and love and a feeling of self worth.

It seems to me that the more we have the more we want. Never satisfied.

We should not generalise-- thinking all the people in one country are better than those in another countries.

Its not so.

Last edited by dogsbody70 : 10-31-2010 at 10:47 PM.
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