10-31-2010, 10:54 PM
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to encapsulate an entire population into one description. However, from all the people I've met in this country, and all the people I've met in other countries; these are the overall personalities and attitudes I have formed.
Bear in mind, I am also referring solely to my generation. So my opinions aren't of the older generation, only people my age (early 20s) and younger. On the contrary, I feel that the young generation in Asia have precisely the qualities that our western older generation have and that our younger generation has lost. Discipline and respect.
My opinions aren't restricted to just one town either. This is country-wide experience. I've lived in small remote villages, large cities, council estates, cul-de-sacs and student towns. Everywhere I go, respectful youth are a rarity. Sure they exist, but they're in the minority these days...