Yours Rightfully Insolent
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11-01-2010, 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by dogsbody70
whats it like being a student?
It's being a kid trapped in an adult's body, like being a jack of all trades; you can't really be here and there, and you always have to adapt. Got a degree? Pssh, so what? A lot of adults love to nag using experience, as an excuse. Education is just a half-filled glass that needs to be emptied, anyway, for conformed knowledge to sneak itself in.
Originally Posted by dogsbody70
Are you at a University or college?
Just graduated from polytechnic, which is like college, and gonna be enrolling in a university 2 years time.
Originally Posted by dogsbody70
Would you recommend it?
Of course, money is written on paper, and so are qualifications. Nothing like being a student.
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.