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Coraline (Offline)
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Germany
Physiotherapy in Japan?! - 11-01-2010, 06:27 PM

Hello to everybody,

I already searched the internet but didn't find very much. So I'm asking here

Does anybody know if Physiotherapy is known in Japan? I just started the education and would love to work and of course live in Japan. (I know that it is quite hard to get a visum but first of all I want to know if I could work there in general)
And if it's possible to work as a physiotherapist in Japan, will the german graduation be accepted??

It would be great to hear some news... n_n

By the way if someone doesn't understand the word physiotherapist:
It's a medical occupation. For example when your leg gets broken or when you have some trouble with your muscles then first of all you go to the doctor and then to the physiotherapy. There you are trained till your injury has healed. But of course it's much more then just that...
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