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JF Ossan
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11-01-2010, 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by missprincess View Post
hmm, didnt know that, i guess just through what ive read and seen i thought japan was more 'conservative' (ie. no to teenage pregnancies, underage drinking etc like we have in the west) but i was obviously off the mark - my bad - we get a very filtered view on other cultures here in the west for the most part so we dont really know anything other then what were told unfortunately unless we actually go and see it for ourselves
There certainly are teenage pregnancies. I seem to remember some very popular boy band members who have mothers only 15 or 16 years older than them.

I know a couple women who got married to their boyfriends after getting pregnant.

In terms of underage drinking, it happens, but the appeal is lower than it is in the west because alcohol is so accessible. There is less of the "forbidden fruit" aspect. Also kids can't drive, so you don't hear about teenage drinking and driving in Japan.
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