11-01-2010, 10:03 PM
lol @ watashi wa ..charisma man desu and how suddenly he has chiseled features.
Along with what was being said on "things handed to the younger generations" (paraphrased of course):
It's funny to hear some college kids talk about their 6 figure jobs and/or corner office complete-with-desk-to-use-as-foot-rest that are, apparently, on the way. All that's left is graduating and applying for tha job.
It's true that SOME of the younger generations are a bit naive as to what it takes to actually "make it" (financially I suppose we're talking about). Ah well, I was the same way...and I'm sure a lot of others were and eventually you'll figure it out or......you'll die. (okay maybe a little dramatic there)
A quote from the owner of a micro-brewery that stuck with me: " You know the old saying...It took me 20 years to become an overnight success."
It's the age old saying of the older generations:
"back in the day..music was better" "back when I was growing up kids were more respectful" "when I was younger people had values" "when i was younger when milk was a quarter and bread a nickle..."
Life is a marathon; not a 40 yard dash.
A superior psychology, mastery of self, and a clean arse are the keys to happiness.