Originally Posted by MissMisa
Eh? I didn't even say anything... I said the exact opposite.
I said, just because someone is dating, doesn't mean they are having sex. Didn't say anything about s
sleeping around or anything, don't know where you got that from.
No Misa it wasn't you. I am old fashioned--- Not keen on promiscuity at all.
Maybe its because I was brought up in the dark ages-- no sex before marriage etc.
I believe in respect for each other-- I do worry about the STI's also.
For me Sex was something reserved for the person I truly loved---sleeping around is simply SEX-------------
but when unwanted babies are born-- ?
we have too many babies born to teenage girls here in UK--many of them schoolgirls- yet surely this generation is very aware of sex and what it means.
so at least I hope people who indulge do at least use safe sex, for everybody's sake.