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BakaTensei (Offline)
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11-02-2010, 04:33 PM

I think relationships based soley on sex don't ever make it in the long run. When all the looks go out the window and the sexual urges start to get less and less as you get older, if you don't have a good base for the relationship you'll just start hating each course this is if a relationship based soley on sex somehow becomes something more for example if a baby is thrown into the mix alot of people feel obligated to getting married and so on.

I personally prefare relationships that are took slower. I think that familiarity and honesty breed intimacy thus making the whole "sex" thing come second and the reason it is important is that you are being in a vulnerable state with the one person who trust enough to be vulnerable with.

That being said though when alcohol, exictment and hormones are mixed up into a nice cocktail it can effect even the strongest of willed people when they are in a particular state of mind.
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