Originally Posted by GoNative
Those kindergarten fees don't seem too bad at all. We have our 17 month old daughter in private day care 5 days a week and she's there from around 08:15 to 17:45 each day. It costs us Y58,000 per month. There's only about 10 kids and they get to do plenty of great activities and get fed probably better than I do. When you work out the hourly rate being charged it's very cheap. At least half the cost of what it would be in Australia.
We could have put her in the town day care facility for almost half the cost but we think she gets much better care where she is.
Daycare for the younger set (under 3) is quite high if you can`t get into hoikuen or if your household income is above a certain amount. We looked into hoikuen (public daycare/preschool) and gawked at the price - our income knocked us up into the 80,000 bracket a month (I think 78,000?). If our income was lower, I understand it would have been quite a bit cheaper than kindergarten. And this was at 3, so I don`t even want to think about how much it would have been when younger. Kindergarten around here tends to run at around 25000~30000/month plus uniform and supplies. The one my son goes to is a bit above the average (34000/month + about 150,000 in uniform, supplies, and such for the whole 3 years)
It`s great that you found a good private daycare. I`ve found that (in using them for short term things) there is a real variety in their quality. There are different regulations for their teachers - they don`t require the levels of education that the hoikuen do - so if you`re unlucky the teachers can be really clueless. Hoikuen tend to be pretty standard. Not
exceptional, but never