I waked up lying on top of an uncunscious Ichirin. There were two white angelwings laying next arm. All around us lay white feathers that most likely came from the wings of Ichirin.
At first i was suprised seeing Ichirin like this, with wings growing out of his back. But then again, he has always been my angel. (sweet

The last thing i remember was the sweet kiss he gave me and falling onto some deadly rocks.
I still lay onto Ichirin's chest, wondering what happened.
I rolled of his chest and lay myself next to him. Hugging him with one hand and going trough his white locks with my other hand. I felt sleepy, but i needed to stay awake for when the unconscious Ichirin wakes up.
I woke up, pains going trough my whole body made me feel miserable. Then i began to feel the warm hands of Myzuri stretching over my naked chest. (that has been working out lately

) She seem to have passed out herself. Now my feeling started spreading troughout my whole body, from the smallest toe to the edge of my wings.
I tried to get rid of the pain, hanging on my wings. I turned my head a spotted that we were lying in a circle of my feathers, with my wings spread out and a girl next to me.
This reminds me of something i've seen before. Something in a far past... i tried to come over the pain and started to remembering some stuff.
I remember the old cottage in the thick forrests i used to live with my parents when there were dragon attacks in the city. There was a painting on one of the walls, where there was a white haired man pictured laying with a girl in his arms. They were lying in a circle, but what interested me most at that time was the wings growing out of his back.
Under the painting there was written:
Love is the future... you are the future.
I used to ask myself who that guy was on the painting and then my mum would tell me that he's someone who someday is going to change the world.
For better or for worse, i think i'll never know.
Then she would rub me over my head and go out.
*ty, Kanji*