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Tenchu (Offline)
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11-04-2010, 04:36 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
The principle behind the martial arts is efficient self defense.
That's only your own personal perspective. Some think the principle is the exact opposite - mastering selflessness and acceptance of death, overcoming the greed to live so you can become an efficient actor when faced with death.

Self defence is a more modern take on it. I don't think there was any army in the before time which actually told it's soldiers the goal to mastering their skills is prolonging their life... they more so encouraged self sacrifice and these are the people modern martial arts are based on. In that sense, modern MA is vastly warped.

The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…

For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…

Last edited by Tenchu : 11-04-2010 at 04:40 AM.
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