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(#19 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
11-04-2010, 05:18 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Comical, to say the least. You left a country which has by far the world's largest economy, where a normal person has the greatest possible chance of achieving his dreams. And you moved to a country with the world's largest national debt, which is facing negative population growth, and whose shrinking economy will eventually lead to national disaster.

Japan has been screwing itself for more than a decade, and economists are predicting Japan will be unable to avoid defaulting on it's debt. I hope you have a ticket put away to get you home once that happens.

The one thing which is screwing America is the rampant ignorance which pervades it's society. People talk about what is good or bad about politics or the government and are happy to give their opinions about both subjects. In the meantime these same people would be unable to name the vice president, their state senators, or the congressmen of their districts. It's laughable.
We don't always agree, Sangetsu. Today we do.
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