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(#437 (permalink))
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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11-04-2010, 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Just knee the shooters in the head and throw the spastic Judo wrestlers. Muay Thai is enough.
It's pretty hard to do and you can't rely on this strategy unless you know exactly from where and when the BJJ fighter is going to shoot and anticipate him.

The reason being is that you wont have time to execute the knee once he's gone for the shoot as a good BJJ fighter will pick his angle and close the distance fast.

Even if you do connect the change in distancing will likely make it inneffectual.

I actually just started BJJ. It's pretty eye opening as I used to think like you and am used to striking arts.

As for the Judo fighters... um.. their specialty is throwing on their feet. Good luck trying to throw one with ease.
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