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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
11-05-2010, 04:34 PM

Anime being addictive is a bit of a misnomer, in my opinion; B.S.
It's similar to saying Television in general is addictive: While it's there, and you like it, you'd be inclined to watching it. If it wasn't there, and you'd like it... you would miss it. But I doubt you'd physically breakdown from a lack of it.

It's a bit silly to say you don't want to watch anime because you'll get addicted to it and waste your time. Anime is for entertainment, it's meant to be enjoyed, and, in regards to productivity, it's meant to waste time. Don't worry, you won't get hypnotized by it, depriving you of your ability to simply turn it off and work. If you chose to pass off something important for anime, that's solely your prerogative, and it would be your conscious decision.

Anime being "addictive" is just a fun way to express how much a person can like watching it. It's a loose expression. Just like any other pleasure, you can overindulge in it. That's pretty much it, unless you have some unusual psychological condition.

If you haven't watched anime yet, I would definitely recommend it.
They're just like any other type of cartoon... except, maybe... better?

I personally don't watch anime as much as I used to due to time, but I have seen my fair amount. Back then, I would probably watch a few of my favorite shows a day, about an hour or 2's worth -- if I had the time.

I would list some suggestions, but there is a considerably broad variety of categories. Though... if you posted your tastes, maybe I or someone else could name a few that you'd like.

Give them a look.
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