Originally Posted by xYinniex
yes, 3rd year of University, going to graduate next July. =)
Being a student is hard, basically, society hates you. Britain, in particular, the Government hate you.
Is that true? I find that hard to believe. why should anyone hate you?
What are you hoping to do when you graduate.
do you get support whilst you are working so hard? I do hope so.
Last night on Question Time here in UK there was a discussion about the fees students have to pay-- not so long ago students did not have to pay-- as far as I can understand-- one of the women on thepanel stated that she would not be where she is-- doing pretty well I gather-- if she had not had the university opportunities that she had. She says that being at UNI made her the person she is today-- so persevere if you can-- hard as it is.