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(#31 (permalink))
cranks (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 263
Join Date: Jul 2010
11-06-2010, 04:59 AM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
Weren't the stickied forum rules and FAQ thread sufficient? Anyway, my input is: the fact that Sashimister was behaving aggressively was inexcusable, even if he was trying to prove a correct point. I have no doubt he was, and still is, a considerable key adviser here, but that doesn't give him higher rights to insult others. Sashimister should be old enough to discern his own limits; if he was burning out and getting really grouchy, he should have taken a break from the forum, of his own accord, not take it out on others. Native or not, adult or not, white or black - no one is above regulations.

I really hope next time someone has a vendetta, you'll take it up with the mods instead of attempting to resolve it yourself.
You are totally right. But it takes characters that are obsessed about the Japanese language and culture to offer a service like that for free. I'm definitely not doing it :P I have mixed feelings myself. But still, I think it's a loss when everything is summed up. As for FAQ, I meant one for common Japanese grammar points and things like that. Not sure if the current FAQ covers that though. It might. I don't really contribute to the forum very much. hehe.

Last edited by cranks : 11-06-2010 at 05:25 AM.
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