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CoolNard (Offline)
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11-06-2010, 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
You are totally right. But it takes characters that are obsessed about the Japanese language and culture to offer a service like that for free. I'm definitely not doing it :P I have mixed feelings myself. But still, I think it's a loss when everything is summed up. As for FAQ, I meant one for common Japanese grammar points and things like that. Not sure if the current FAQ covers that though. It might. I don't really contribute to the forum very much. hehe.
I think the same thing, and I wouldn't do it, too. So, it is a loss, if he chooses to quit, but all we're just asking for is civil behavior.

Ah, okay. I think that's a good idea, if it hasn't been done already. Why don't you start one?

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