Originally Posted by Tenchu
My bubbles is healthy and beautiful, my wife is evil and conniving. Same old stuff. Thanks.
Good to hear.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
About Obama, I think, in regards to US involvement in the middle east and elsewhere, he's no different than Bush. I think the US foreign policy is about irradicating all opposition to it's global domination, and this transcends party politics. I think you've just got a fascist government that's impossible to change, really.
Well he ended combat operations in Iraq a couple months ago. There are still a lot of troops there, and they need to come home. But you asked me if I regretted my vote. Do I think McCain would have done the same thing? No, we would have probably ramped things up.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
I think some people were under the impression the US would be less hostile, authoritarian and violent under Obama. They were let down. It's just gone to show, as far as the outside world is concerned, you only have America - Democrat or Republican, those things only matter to Americans who can push for their own national policies. But, for the rest of the world, change in government makes for no differences. It's just America.
What aggression has Obama shown? What wars has he started?
Originally Posted by Tenchu
I actually think Hilary Clinton is a terrible foreign minister... I can't stand her. hate her. She's worse than Rice was.
Based on what?