Originally Posted by cranks
I don't know what he or I is requesting but if someone is getting tired of answering the same question over and over, maybe it's better they start a thread and write up a comprehensive answer for it so if someone comes up with the same question they can just point to that thread?
This is a toootaly random idea though. Maybe it has already been this way.
There was talk a while back of re-organizing the language forum a bit to address some of these issues. Like a separate beginner's Japanese thread for all the short easy questions like "what does this mean" or "how do i write this word" "translate my tattoo" 'put this in romaji" type stuff. Not only would this mean that users like myself could easily find questions we could answer and contribute more, but it means users like SM could focus on helping the advanced learners, which no one else could. And deal with less stupid. There were a couple of other suggestions, I don't recall what...
None of it happened, anyway.