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CoolNard (Offline)
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11-06-2010, 03:43 PM

If we're talking about forums, only the admin can; none of us mods have any power over the technical layout and stuff. The only admin I know of is ShinjukuEki. We can either PM him or post the notion in the "Site Suggestions" section. EDIT: But I'll also add that he rarely comes on, or shows that he does, anyway.

If we're talking about threads, I do hope someone with a good knowledge of the said language can start us off, by simply making one - addressing the common issues beginners face and also conveniently address the undisputed points of the language to avoid arguments.

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 11-06-2010 at 03:49 PM.
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