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xYinniex (Offline)
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11-07-2010, 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
Is that true? I find that hard to believe. why should anyone hate you?

What are you hoping to do when you graduate.

do you get support whilst you are working so hard? I do hope so.

Last night on Question Time here in UK there was a discussion about the fees students have to pay-- not so long ago students did not have to pay-- as far as I can understand-- one of the women on thepanel stated that she would not be where she is-- doing pretty well I gather-- if she had not had the university opportunities that she had. She says that being at UNI made her the person she is today-- so persevere if you can-- hard as it is.
No, it's just hypocritical that the ones that did benefit going to uni because of the low fees are now imposing impossibly high fees on students. I'm not saying uni is bad, nor am I dismissing my degree. I work hard for my grades and I enjoy going to uni and thank god I'm going to graduate without those ridiculously high fees imposed on me. You know it's going to cost up to £12,000 per year not including living costs (e.g rent, bills, food) to be a student.

So Yes, They may not hate us, but they're sure as hell not being the most understanding people in the world.

Cuz suddenly, cutting education and health is the first place you you start. Twats.

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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