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JasonTakeshi (Offline)
Conceptual Doubt
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11-07-2010, 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by ModusOperandi View Post
Lol, no need to be excused when you're voicing your opinion. Yes, that's why I went to University. And yes, you go to learn about your chosen discipline (as I stated) and then some. However, it is still a piece of paper that only displays you went, paid and suffered through college. As hippy and cliche as this may sound, it's just another addition to the long list of societal norms. It's a piece of paper that doesn't, in any way or form, represent skill/level or knowledge as far as I'm concerned. It just gives you a leg up because you somehow sat through the edumacations. A group of people who haven't even stepped in college could probably run circles around you in programming, 3d/2d animation, game design, illustrations, geographical awareness, political awareness, medical knowledge, all forms of engineering etc. But in the end of the day, that piece of paper will "supposedly" make you the better candidate for no other reason than the fact that you have it...and even then, it's a gamble...since some people might value something more than that paper. That piece of paper, or even your transcript for that matter, doesn't measure what you can/cannot do. Some people are gifted in theory, some are gifted in practically. Some just meander through college, some sweat their butts off.

I'll be walking the podium and receiving that paper by the end of this semester; and, walking with me, will be some of the most stupidest people I've ever known alongside some of the smartest people I've had the opportunity of meeting.

Like I mentioned in the disclaimer, "the experience is not universal." Some people might read more into their degree, some people, like me, do not.
I like you.

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
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