The Place Where You Grew Up -
11-07-2010, 05:59 PM
Many members here are from around the Globe-- which is wonderful.
Many of us must have grown up in totally different environments.
It would be really interesting to hear what you think about the place that you grew up in.
If you had had a choice would you have preferred to live elsewhere?
I personally grew up in many places in the UK-- partly due to the war-- when I was mostly near the countryside and in childrens homes or foster homes.
after the war I returned to London-- in an area that had been badly bombed and was pretty derelict. It was strange contrast to the country areas I had known previously and I missed seeing grass and trees or even gardens or earth.
It was tough-- but it was for many people of course.
queueing early in the morning for milk and then the wonderful aroma from the bakery.
we had ration books so diets were meagre----------
No hot water-- usually one fireplace or blackleaded stove where we could cook and heat the iron etc. if one could afford to buy fuel. I used to queue at a local gas works to get coke---------- took a large baby's pram to transport the fuel.
Bread and dripping was popular-- also suet puddings to fill us up.
small local shops-- where usually big queues were the norm.
house was always freezing cold if you couldn't get near the fireplace.
wireless broadcast were often limited to the ten minute news although favourite programmes like Dick Barton special Agent was special.
Slipper baths which cost 2d--not many people had baths then of course.
Some families had a tin bath-- and would bath in front of the fire if possible.