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missprincess (Offline)
Bonnie lass from England
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Location: England
men intimidated by really pretty girls - 11-08-2010, 02:54 AM

ok i found this discussion on another forum and i thought it would be interesting to see the views of people here!

this is for the boys mostly but i have noticed alot aswell, that guys are alot more relaxed around girls who could be considered as more average to not good looking then girls who are totally hot. (and im not doing that beauty is in the eye of the beholder stuff im talking about those people who are just plain hot and not and would be considred that way in any race etc)

is that coz guys find pretty girls intimidating? i mean ive noticed so many hot guys with girls who are really not that pretty and ive noticed girls who are smoking saying that they never get approached by hot guys at all! i find that shocking! and ive experienced that alot aswell, i mean some of my friends are gorgeous and struggle to find a hot guy whereas some real mingers go around with daniel henney look alikes! whats up with that guys!!
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