Originally Posted by missprincess
i think all women shud make men wait till marriage that way men would have to marry women and not just sleep with them and leave them like most of them do.
This is the second time the notion that it is only men who want premarital sex has come up in this thread.
Are there no men who also want to wait until marriage? I can assure you, there are. I knew a rather religious young man in college who got much pressure from his then girlfriend to sleep with him, despite the fact he had promised himself to wait for marriage.
So I think, if this is your moral outlook, gender lines should not be drawn in this topic.
Originally Posted by missprincess
btw i know this is a japan forum but does anyone know if the views differ in korea (south) and whether there are still arranged marriages in japan?
Japan is less than 1% Christian. S. Korea is more like 90%+ Christian, so that does make a difference, and yes arranged marriages still happen in Japan, but not at the rate they used to.