Originally Posted by missprincess
have to commend dogsbody on your principles im defo of the view that sex can wait till after marriage! in england were now starting to get two extremes, those ppl who sleep around alot and those who completely want to put it off till after marriage, and to be honest the later gets more respect. i love it when women have attitudes like that esp when you see models like adriana lima come out and say she was a virgin till she got married (even if she lied) the fact that she said it made it ok to be hot and someone who wants to save themselves for marriage (usually ppl think if u havent done 'it' by a certain age its coz u cant get any) but she proved that wrong and attitudes are starting to change! more power to that way of thinking in my opinion!
I actually can't understand the incredible importance some people attatch to sex. It's something that is fun and very enjoyable. Why wait till you're married? I can understand if you're religious I guess but otherwise what is the point? I have never been someone to just sleep around with anyone and everyone I can but I had numerous sexual partners before I was married. I don't think it made me a better or worse person in anyway whatsoever. Why deny yourself an experience that is a lot of fun? I've certainly never cared one way or the other if a partner of mine was a virgin! My wife certainly wasn't