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noodle (Offline)
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11-08-2010, 01:18 PM

One thing people forget about Higher education is the SOFT SKILLS...! People talk about a minority and make it sound like it's the majority. The truth of the matter is, that most people that go to Uni don't end up working in the field they studied. I know people that studied history and became bankers. I know people that studied Math and because journalists. I know people that studied Languages and became IT managers.

The reason most people go to uni is to learn soft skills. Whether they realise it or not. I'm doing a joint degree in Physics and Maths. One of the soft skills I'm acquiring is Analysis and Problem solving. Someone doing History or English for example would be learning Information gathering and summarising.

I'd recommend Uni for almost anyone, unless you have a specific idea of a career you want where it'd be better to get a different type of degree... For example, if you want to be an electrician, you're wasting your time and money. There are qualifications you need and a uni degree isn't one of them.

Suki, I too am doing my degrees just to have a piece of paper. Come January 2012, I will probably have a Masters degree in Math and Physics, a Financial Engineering degree and a bachelors in English and International relations. The only thing these degrees will do for me, is give me luggage and backup. Cos honestly, I HATE Math and Physics, so I don't want to be a researcher or a teacher. Finance was interesting to me, till the world decided to hate banks and bankers, which in turn is making the career not as well paid as it used to be. As for English, I doing it because every university I spoke to from English speaking countries, told me that I had to take a TOEFL exam because my University degree was in French. They totally ignore the fact that I spent half my life in England. So I though, f*** it. I'll do this degree, turn up for the exams and that's it.

If you've found something you're passionate about, you're lucky! A lot of us, don't have a clue so we just try to secure a good salary! And the best way to do that is degrees!


MissMisa, what do you mean by;

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
This is sometimes a good thing as it will prepare you for the real world which isn't selective.
There's nothing more selective than the real world. Wherever I've done Internships and wherever I've worked, I've only seen competition and the fight to be the best (not to mention how hard it is to get the internship in the first place). I think the only place where that wasn't true was Gamestation and a reprographics company where people were like machines and had no prospects of advancing in the company. Place yourself in an environment where you have the opportunity to advance and earn more money, and you'll have so much competition that you'll find yourself working overtime just to keep your job!

Last edited by noodle : 11-08-2010 at 01:27 PM.
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