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ModusOperandi (Offline)
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11-08-2010, 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I meant, sometimes, you have to work with people you deem stupid, people you don't get on with, people who are just abrasive... Uni prepares you for that kind of thing. I mean, you can't select who you work with yourself.
MissMisa, I think having the ability to deal with people is mere common sense and doesn't really require a paid education

As for your other points, a person can make it into the industry via portfolios and demo reels, but will more than likely trail behind a less skilled individual with a degree.

While I support education (as I've explained twice already) in general and am glad to hear you're making the most of your time in college, I see no merit in that document that only acts as a "right of passage" in the professional world. I used to think this was the document that would set me apart and yada, yada, yada...but the more closer I get to the culmination of my undergrad, the more I realize how useless it is in practicality. It holds no record of what you can/cannot do but still gives you a boost (as Columbine and the fellow before me posted) over the other person who doesn't have the education but is more experienced. A bit cynical? Yes. But unfortunately, that's how society works.
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