Originally Posted by Misericordias
I'm sorry, I accidentally used に instead of で for the second bunpo. So it should be 「上(うえ)で」, instead.
上(うえ)で has a few different meanings.
pertaining to ~~:
酒の上での失敗 = a blunder pertaining to alchohol
ユキコは戸籍の上では妻である = Yukiko is my wife as far as family registration goes (but I don't live with her.)
after having done ~~:
よく両親と話し合った上で決めたい = I'd like to decide after a good discussion with my parents.
2―3日考えた上で返事をした = I replied after 2-3 days of consideration.
in order to ~~:
日本語を続けて勉強していく上での大切なポイント = important points for further studies of Japanese.
仕事をする上で必要な英語力 = English proficiency needed in doing business.