Name: Kyoko
From: UK
(There must be a way of to say that with more finesse, seeing that my log-on name is KyokoUK)
<take two!>
Name: Kyoko
From: England...OH come on! Let's just do this the right way...
Hi, I'm Kyoko and I'm from the UK. Right now I live in the South-East of England and I love it here very much. I am Japanese/Caucasian but I have never even been to Japan, which is rather sad and I don't speak Japanese, which is totally lame cause its something I can do right here, so I have started that at least.
I've been to the US, lived there a little, never really liked it cause it always seemed to violent to me somehow which is probably my own narrow perspective. I'm here to make new friends and, hopefully, to learn new perspectives. I'm studying Japanese on
NHKオンライン and if anyone knows a better way to do it please let me know.
I suppose I'll leave it at this, I tend to talk a lot, just ask my boyfriend, and...well...type a lot as the case may be so I will just end right her......