Originally Posted by masaegu
LMAO You and GoNative try so hard to make this country look bad when the rest of the civilized world knows better. Why are you here anyway?
I've lived here 7 years and absolutely love it. I just don't pretend that everything about Japan is like some perfect utopian wonderland. Wankers like you seem to believe you have to absolutely love everything about a country to want to live there? It's seems fine to bag out countries like the US and point out that it's not all rosy but to do the same about Japan appears to be unacceptable? Do you even live in Japan masaegu? This is a great country to live in but it's not all good. Why do people find this such a hard concept to accept?
Some of us just attempt to point out the reality of living here. That it is not a utopian society where everything is just one amazingly great experience after another. Japan like any country has its issues. I guess some of you just don't want to hear this...