sorry to say I have never been to University but th University of lIfe has taught me quite a lot.
I have always attended adult education evening classes etc but now the cost is prohibitve as I am on a very small pension.
I do belong to the U3A. which is the third Age trust-- University of the third age.
It is self supporting and as many people who have retired have many skills and much knowledge-- they pass it on.
Usually classes start in people homes-- then if too popular they extend to using Halls etc.
U3A is a marvellous organisation-- so many different subjects are covered and the cost is miniscule compared with adult education fees.
I believe it is almost worldwide, maybe when YOu retire----------------- You might be glad to also join it and to share your knowledge etc.
We belong to two music groups------------ making music with our recorders. I have been keen on Early Music for many years--------we have a large recorder ensemble with all sizes of recorders-- plus what we call a HOTCH POTCH ORCHESTRA-- where any instrument is welcome and we are fortunate to have a wonderful conductor and have attempted many well known pieces-- such as Mozart, Bach, Sibelius and dozens more.
Anything is possible with the U3A.
There is a section here if you scroll down to international U3A's. It's on adobe so I cannot copy it onto here. But it seems that yes they do have it in Japan-- so thats good.
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