11-10-2010, 05:16 AM
missprinces, if you dont know, then dont write.
what the F. was the bs about coming in and out of the cities?
christians in africa has EVERYTHING to do with aids spreading and everything to do with your post stating that because of sex africa is in deep trouble. and answer is no - africa is in trouble because people are being denied access to prophylactics by religion.
all of those diseases can be stopped by a condom. now you have uneducated ppl thinking that they will go to hell if they use a condom (given they can actually find one) but the necessity of having large family is still there for them so they wouldn't starve to death. so they have the dilemma - screw over people preaching but who occasionally bring them supplies or not to procreate and suffer. and they simply go and choose not to use a condom so they would have a "win win" situation. new family member on the way and no hell in sight.
P.S i don't care when and how and with who does the individual wants to have sex - free choice in modern world. but what sets me off is when people bring in arguments - look what sex does to africa without knowing actual reasons of it.