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JensR (Offline)
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Posts: 8
Join Date: Nov 2010
Goint to Japan in January - 11-10-2010, 05:58 PM

Hey. I'm in need of some help.
I'm planning going to Japan for two weeks in January.
My original plan was flying to the north (Hokkaido) and then travel south and fly home from there. But the easiest thing is flying to Tokyo and back.

(I know Japan is cold in the winter but I'm from Denmark so that's not a problem)

My plan is once I'm there spending some days in Tokyo and then travel further around by train. My impression is that there's more to see in the southern part of Japan than in the north. Is that right? And are there any particularly interesting places or cities (also minor) where I ought to spend some time too?

I don't know the country at all so any insider information would be great
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