Originally Posted by ModusOperandi
it is still a piece of paper that only displays you went, paid and suffered through college. As hippy and cliche as this may sound, it's just another addition to the long list of societal norms. It's a piece of paper that doesn't, in any way or form, represent skill/level or knowledge as far as I'm concerned. It just gives you a leg up because you somehow sat through the edumacations.
I'm not saying that having a university degree automatically makes you better at a job than someone who doesn't have one. Nevertheless, if I were to contract someone and there were two people who had applied for the job, both with the same experience and skills, and one had a uni degree and the other didn't, I'd surely go for the one who had the degree, because that way I can know for sure that person has been given notions the other one might not have. I know for certain that in the future, when I apply for jobs, the fact that I have a degree from the university I'm currently attending will make me a better candidate than someone else who doesn't have the same accreditation. But it's only fair! I mean, I go to class everyday, and by sitting there taking notes and then passing my exams I'm proving something, right? And what you call just a piece of paper is the only thing I'll have to prove I have all that knowledge in my brains. So yes, having gone through university means I'm more prepared in many aspects than someone who didn't, because there's no way that person could have gotten the same education I did. Unless the person who's competing with me is freaking Will Hunting, otherwise I'll always be a better one for the job.
Originally Posted by noodle
Suki, I too am doing my degrees just to have a piece of paper. Come January 2012, I will probably have a Masters degree in Math and Physics, a Financial Engineering degree and a bachelors in English and International relations. The only thing these degrees will do for me, is give me luggage and backup. Cos honestly, I HATE Math and Physics
Well, good for you! You will have proven you got the brains! You might not enjoy what you're doing, but your degree says you're good at it and that's why you got it. What's the matter here? I would hire you right away!