Originally Posted by MMM
I think you both can be very direct, which is fine, but at the same time, I don't think anyone has said what the title of this thread is saying, so I am not sure why you are getting defensive.
I'm kinda going to throw my penneth in here...I've seen both GoNative and Wings be labelled 'haters' on this forum before for simply casting a non-native view that perhaps wasn't as flattering to Japan as some of the others. More outwardly in the past (I seem to recall a 'hater get lost' type message when GoNative first joined, but I may be remembering incorrectly, perhaps it was a different user. I'm fairly sure it was the same person doing the name-calling however.), and, perhaps because of said past flaming issues, rather more mildly in recent threads. And to me it does seem oddly directed. I've said a few things quite directly that I don't like about Japan; so have others- I've yet to be called a hater. Perhaps just my style is different, or it's because i'm not IN Japan right now but still~
Anyway,IMHO this whole thing has blown up from some stupid subjective spam opinion thread- neither someone's overall opinion of Japan, how they live their life nor the worth of their input on JF should be based on a one-word answer, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. It's wholly puerile- seriously, this is what kids do in the playground "You said 'bottom'! I'm telling on you~"
Particularly not when the original response was heavily pegged with a disclaiming "but it's not just Japan."
Actually, I'm MORE surprised (and a little disappointed) you haven't been called out on your outrageously sexist comment yet, Wings. "Before you have your period"? Really? How rude.