Originally Posted by Suki
And what you call just a piece of paper is the only thing I'll have to prove I have all that knowledge in my brains.
Your degree does not show the amount of knowledge you have in your brains. Do you have to settle for it? Yes. Is it a reflection of your efforts? no. After all, like I mentioned earlier, I'll be getting the same paper that geniuses and slackers will be getting. I'm guessing you will be too.
But I won't fight you on it. Like I mentioned a couple of times, It's what you make of it to be honest.
Originally Posted by Suki
So yes, having gone through university means I'm more prepared in many aspects than someone who didn't, because there's no way that person could have gotten the same education I did. Unless the person who's competing with me is freaking Will Hunting, otherwise I'll always be a better one for the job.
This is a very disturbing point of view Suki. I implore you to reflect on it at a deeper level.
Your statement about apprenticeship is very true. People invest too much into the theoretical aspects and fail when it comes to practicality. I've seen this several times during my time at retail. There's a 59-year-old lady who had been with the company for 15 years. She's so accustomed to the place that she does most of the managing duties for the freshly-graduated human resources employees. What's the difference between them? She didn't have a higher education. They, on the other hand, are radiating all the experience in the world they so happened to attain from college...(apparently because that paper said so).
The lady only makes around 16 dollars an hour working the floors with us(a significantly larger mount than what we earned due to her duration with the company). I get mixed emotions every time I see a freshly-graduated employees working in the higher departments (making in the upper $20) taking credit for what they didn't do. They always come looking for her asking "what should we do with this?" and "what do you think we should do about that?"
It's really a sad state if you ask me