Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery
It's actually not just one person though. Over the course of my time here I've accrued quite the list of debates/arguments that have actually just been based on my opinions rather than definitive statements.
As far as your racism example, it's my fault for not being specific. I often generalize based on the assumption we're talking in an intellectual medium. Something like racism doesn't even come to mind to me because it's a given to not agree with something like that. But in regards to more subjective topics, my first post is more applicable.
Very few debates that happen on JF are over facts. They are over experiences and opinions.
I don't appreciate the notion that we are not speaking in an intellectual medium, or that you are and I am not. My point is, people argue over opinions here. Some people share them in ways that incite a stronger response than others. I would say your posts do tend to incite spirited responses. Either accept that, or don't be as incendiary with what you say.