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thatkid (Offline)
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11-11-2010, 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by mira View Post
I live in California, but I hate the town I live in. I won't say the name here. I don't really have an opinion of the rest of the state or the country because I have never been out of the town I live in. But I don't prefer America. I hate my town because of the people and the way everyone acts and just the feeling of it. Everything feels dead and stuffy and pretty depressing. If you lived here for as long as I have you would understand. But even if I didn't hate where I live I would still love to live somewhere else like Japan. I know it's not a magical wonderland like a lot of people think, I know a lot about the society there but I still want to go. It's something way different than I am used to.
I live in California to and I can relate with how you feel toward the people here, but every town, city, or country has its drag citizens. My family has been migrant throughout the state for my entire life and from my experiences there are drastic changes in mood and atmosphere just within a span of few hundred miles. I don't know what town you live in, or who you know, but there are definitely opportunities for a positive change in people and geography just within the state, and for that matter wherever else you decide to travel to. I think your suffering from that wanderlust many of us are afflicted with when we have been in one position for to long.

I can't say I would want to change anything Ive been given. I'm proud of my heritage and the social identity it has given me. Although I do fantasize about being a unicorn from time to time.

Pegasus, because it has wings.

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

For a girl who dislikes racism so much, you sure chose an odd place to dream of going to.

The Japanese are quite well known for their racism towards foreigners that live there, you know that?

Not everyone ofcourse, but I know about 70% of the people I know, who have lived in Japan for over 5 years, have had problems with racism from the Japanese.

EDIT: As for the actual topic, I have wished that I had been born in Japan at times, but that was mainly because of the educational factor, and how I would have forced myself to work harder.

Then, I looked down at my essay that was due in a week later and thought "Nah. I'll do it in a few days."
Well put. I have to make this lengthy

Using all of my sick time...

Last edited by Nyororin : 11-11-2010 at 08:42 AM.
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