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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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Tatsu vs. Swiftant?! - 11-11-2010, 05:46 PM

**Tat would slay Bahamut. Down with the King of Dragons! XD**

"Well, Tatsu, business is important, but how would you feel about a little match with your old sparring partner? For old time's sake?" Swiftant challenges me, his eyes shine red.

"Hah, although you've become more of a chatterbox than you used to be, you never were a person of words, Swiftant," I retort.

I position myself, lowering my center of gravity straight down. Moving to the side, angling my pelvis, I bury my left foot into the soil, as I move my right to correspond with my left, Sora clinks in its holster. I decide to test his motives. If he wasn't my ally he would draw his arms upon me, and strike me.

The man I see now was much more confident and self contained then he used to be. His aura has changed, but his appearance had not. The sakkat still decorated his head, and his cloak, sleek and smooth, shown with a deep shade as dark as night, sat lazily upon his shoulders... Before the ambiance was fierce, and violent. It burned with the hottest flames and the strongest desires. That flame still burned just as strongly as ever, but it was tamed. Though it's power hadn't waned, instead it had reached a whole new plane of existence. I gathered from it, a surge of familiarity. This subtle, yet inexorable sensation of being one with the universe reminds me of myself now, and the kind of person I have become after meeting Yogensha.

I had felt all this just now, whilst peering at him like this. He stood there, his posture perfectly upright and confident. His stealthy deeply violet garb taut against his torso. His aura had now manifest itself before me. It was ablaze. The red flames flickered and mixed with the shades of purple that he had fancied to wear. I could feel his strength. I was almost certain that he had met Yogensha. How I had wondered.. Upon meeting the old sage, my abilities and awareness have increased threefold. I was curious to know if his was the same.

Memories of our first encounter in the forest of Thâk Sûl flash before my eyes. I raise my hands outstretched before me, and I wait, anxious to put Swift's speed to the test. I gesture my readiness, and he begins to proceed. As Swiftant moves towards me in real time, an image of his former self flashes side by side with his present one. Two beings of the same stature advance. In my mind we are battling each other, Sora clashes with his katars; Zeus and Raijin. Flashes of silver light up the heavens. The earth quakes under our ferocity. The young arrogant flame shoots about like a rocket.

Then I snap to reality. Swiftant dashes at me, his quick movement casts a purple flash across the earth, leaving an afterimage from his outfit. His eyes are red, and a grin makes up his appearance, his smile is contagious, I can't help but the same encroach on mine as well.

Just before his body is about to make contact with my own, I close my eyes and vanish with a green blur into the descending greenery behind me. His fist was merely a fraction away from my chest. I open my eyes, and had in that instant analyzed where his spirit was just a moment ago, as if I could see that purple trail that he had left behind, I was able to propel myself to that location...

To my surprise, I stepped down at Swift's starting point. His back was to me, and I was yards away.

I was using our match to test out a technique that I had been gathering in my dreams. Yogensha is a dream spirit, he lives between realities. I was also becoming this way. I just needed a battle to test my theories. It was excellent that I was able to take advantage of this challenge. It would have been unwise had I tried something like this on one of the Dragon soldiers... This new power defied time and space. I was able to slip in between the in between. My leg muscle contracted, and a small pain shot up into me.

Thankfully my ideas were correct, and I was ecstatic over the recent discovery. I couldn't help but smile. It consumed me.

Swiftant stops short, his boots dig into the ground as he attempts to cut his speed, he spins around, his eyes flashing about, locating me standing where he started off.

I can see the awe in his eyes, but his expression doesn't change in the least. This time I do him the honor and dash at him. As my feet barely graze the surface of the earth under my quickened pace, I reach down, and grab the hilt of Sora under my cloak, unsheathing the blade, a shine sparkles reflecting from my blade to his. Zeus is already in his hand, and he speeds off to my side, I turn hard, and our blades clink. Back flipping into the air, Swift lands on a thick tree branch without even glancing backwards. Its as if his feet are magnetized to the bark below.

I push off from the earth with my right leg, and launch myself at him. Before I can even get to him, he gathered up Raijin from its place on his waist and he comes down at me. We clash head on in the air. I look him straight in the eyes. His visage is calm but electric. I see no hate or ill will in him. I wanted to make sure that my predictions were correct. My tests had bore fruit. I didn't want to leave it up to my instincts, I had wanted solid evidence.

Fulfilled, I push off, and land back on the ground. I twirl Sora in my fingertips and sheath the blade. Swiftant lands into a kneeling stance some feet away. He gets up and turns towards me. His katars are still firmly in his grasp. He looked at me and noticed Sora was missing from the field. I was satisfied with the match. It was more a test of speed, than anything. I was also able to analyze his intentions. My adrenaline was pumping, my blood was flowing. This burst of movement had excited me immensely. I was curious to see if Swift wanted a round 2... His cloak blew northward, his sakkat motionless.

"Well Swift." I shout out into the wind. "How was that?" A smile curls up into my right cheek.

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 11-12-2010 at 01:28 AM.
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