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(#39 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
11-12-2010, 12:28 AM

Keeping warm at home this winter | 世論 What Japan Thinks

Check this out. It's a survey/article about how Japanese keep warm in the winter and room temperatures and stuff like that. It might be insightful for those who've never lived here.

I thought these questions were the most relavant to where this topic has been going:

Q2SQ1: What methods do you use to keep warm at home?
Q2SQ2: Which of the following items do you want to keep you warm at home?

I wish Q1 was excecuted a little better...
"Q1: Between November and March, what is the average room temperature at your home?"
It seems like there were just two choices-- above or below 20 degrees celcius. I can honestly say that I've felt "warm" air come out of my fridge before. I've been to other peoples' places that weren't exactly "comfortable" by western standards either. If someone's place is at a good temperature, I find myself getting light headed from all the kerosene fumes.

PS: The red underwear part of that survey left me laughing. I'm going to have to ask around about that one.
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