Originally Posted by MMM
I don't know about Australia, but in the US there us a subculture of children's beauty pageants. I think most people see it as candy for pedophiles, but some people are really into it.

That's not sexy, MMM. Trust me, I have an eye for these things. West is different than Japan. West might be genuine innocent, Japan is not.
Originally Posted by siokan
Child Sexual Abuse
Your country 59.4 per 100,000 people
japan 6.8 per 100,000 people
Your friend
What doe this even mean? "Your country"? Does that refer to every other country put togethr which you're just making a burger out of?
Originally Posted by MMM
Do they think the little girls is going to be a pop star?
Ayumi Hamasaki started out doin soft porn is a little'n. You'd be surprised, MMM, some of the kiddie porno photographers do have decent connections.
Originally Posted by GoNative
the US or Australia if you circulated pictures of kids like that you'd be up on charges in no time.
No truer words were ever spoken. Hehehe...