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Tenchu (Offline)
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11-12-2010, 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
As for whether US foreign policy is fascism; I don't think so!
I think it's looking at the more subtle examples that enforces my view.

In short, if you take Thailand as an example, you do get a neglected and fascist feeling. Not that the US has legitimacy in Thailand, but the tyrant elite and ruling class, backed by the military and monarchy, use great figures as a legitimizing technique.

The Thai government is basically controlled by the military. Weak coalition governments with MP's bought out by big business, ineffectual in creating policy and have thier strings pulled by the corrupt. The source of so much despair and poverty in this country, yet kept this way as those in power benefit. Keeping the doors closed to foreign markets, allowing the rich to grow richer whilst the poor drag their feet because the products they produce are worthless under the current market layout. It's terrible.

The military has no democratic claim, end of story. The only way they can maintain their grip is through claiming legitimacy from other bodies. The monarchy is traditionally used for this - racist Buddhist karma dictating he's a Demi-God who should not be questioned. Whenever the military acts, they do it in his name, claim they took orders from him. They didn't take orders from him, as they hold all the power, yet it gives them legitimacy, so they think.

When Abhisit (Thai PM) sucks up to Obama and shakes his hand, it does not help. Pro democracy demonstrators were just massacred in the streets by this man, yet Obama is all cozy. Thailand is worse than Iran in terms of racism and oppression of its people, but the US does not care, so long as the Thai elite remain useful to US capitalism, that's all good.

You can see this US policy all over the world. They do not care about freedom and demoracy, they'll openly support tyrants and dictators such as Saddam or the Persian Shah on larger scales, Abhisit on smaller, so long as it lines US pockets. The fight against communism to install democracy is a complete farce - the US only cares about the appearance of democracy, not the substance of it. There's no democracy in Thailand. The only time we've had it was 2001 - 2006, but Thaksin was vicously put down and is to be executed for terrorism if he comes back to Thailand.

It's fascism. Lies. They're not here to help or make things better, only get themselves ahead. Human rights, freedom, democracy. **** off. They support who they want when they want and only do it to keep themselves ahead. The desires of the common people, such as the Thai peasantry, are entirely irrelevant - control should be maintained from the top down in pure fascism so the market remains uninterupted.

US citizens grow fat and rich with the capitalism their government produces and squeezes from other countries. Just as so the Americans know, others are shouldering this burden.

The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…

For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…
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