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KuranUSA (Offline)
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11-12-2010, 05:43 AM

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
And think about the fact that Australia has 70 times more rape cases per capita.
Belive it or not,there's a psychological reason for that. It lies in Australia's history.

For over a hundred years,Australia was used as a large prison colony for English criminals. There was a period during which if you committed any crime at all,from stealing a loaf of bread to rape to murder,you were shipped off to Australia.

Before I continue I will point out that I have known several Australians over the years,and found most of them to be very nice people.


The fact of the matter is that Australia's populace was formed mainly on Criminals. Killer John Doe might have met thief Jane Doe once off the boats,and had little Jhonny Doe jr. Jhonny was brought up based on the morals of mom and dad,which would be somewhat looser than the average,for example. So,in Australia,crime is not seen as such a bad thing. Even if your average australian person dosen't commit crimes,and is a law abiding citizen,there is a part of their mind that still carries that ancestral memory of,kill rape pillage plunder.

Note,as I've said,this was nothing against the australians,merely my observations on history.

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