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(#23 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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11-12-2010, 06:02 AM

Originally Posted by cranks View Post
I'm really sleepy so I don't think I can come up with a very good post. I'll come back tomorrow but just a quick one.

Are you saying that 70 times more rape cases shown by The United Nations is all just coverup and it has NOTHING relevant? 10 percent of 70 times is still 7 times. And this isn't even my point. It's the fact that you automatically said Japan was like western counties "years ago" before checking all the facts. I KNOW you didn't know that much about the crime rate in Japan but you made an assumption.

My English brain totally understands what you are trying to condemn. But my Japanese brain is saying it has no much ground.
What is your point though cranks?? Rapes occur in Australia so as an Australian I shouldn't make any comment on how rape is handled and viewed in Japan? I just don't get this kind of argument. I don't live in Australia, I live here so I'm concerned about what happens here. What has Australia got to do with it?
If I was in Australia I would condemn any issues that I felt were unfair in the treatment of rape victims there. I don't live there, I live here.

It's the system that leads to the following that concerns me and I would think would be of concern to anyone regardless of nationality.

In 2006, Japan’s Gender Equality Bureau released a study titled “Violence Between Men and Women.” Of the 1,578 female respondents, 7.2% said they had been raped “at least once.” Sixty-seven percent of these rapes were perpetrated by someone the victim “knew well,” and 19% by someone they had “seen before.” Only 5.3% of the victims reported the crime to the police — around 6 people out of 114 cases. Of those who remained silent, nearly 40% said they didn’t step forward because they were “embarrassed.”
There is something wrong with the system when so few rape victims report the crime.

Last edited by GoNative : 11-12-2010 at 06:25 AM.
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