Originally Posted by Maxful
Masaeguさん、本当にどうもありがとうございました。Could you please also provide me with the English translations? 
Have you tried yourself? Hope you aren't saying you didn't get any of them.
「マリアは新しい学校でみんなと仲よくしている。」= Maria gets along well with everyone at her new school.
「田中と佐藤は昨年よくケンカしたが、今年はとても仲 よくしている。」 = Tanaka and Sato often had a fight last year but they are on really good terms with each other this year.
「こちらが新入生の高田けんじ君です。仲よくしてあげ てください。」 This is our new student Kenji Takada. Please be nice to him.
「このカバンを2―3時間預かっていただけますか。」 = Could you keep this bag for a couple of hours for me, please?
「ホテルのフロントで荷物を預かってもらった。」 = I had the hotel front desk keep my luggage for me.
「鈴木さんは銀行で貴重品を預かってもらっている。」 = Ms. Suzuki has her bank keep her valuables.
「本当にありがとう。助かります。」= Thanks a lot. You are being of big help.
「マックスフルさんが英語を教えてくれたので助かりま した。」 = I was saved as Maxful taught me some English.
「バスで行くつもりだったが、高橋さんが車で連れてっ てくれたのでとても助かった。」 = I had originally planned to go by bus but Mr. Takahashi took me there in his car and saved me (the trouble, time, etc.)