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mirandatothemax (Offline)
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Japanese Particles & Sentence Structure help! - 11-12-2010, 08:47 AM

Hi, so I just want to get clarification on some of the questions on my homework. I will include my answers and please correct me if I'm wrong and feel free to explain where I'm messing up. I really appreciate any help!

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate particles (including an X for no particle needed)

1. わたしは まいにち___ 8じ___ がっこう___ きます

X (no particle needed for まいにち right?), に, に

2. わたしは きょう___ 8じ___ うち___ ごはん ___ たべます

X (no particle for きょう?), に, で, を

3. わたしは にちようび___ ごご___ うち___ ビデオ___ みます

の, に (Sunday's evening? This one confused me), で, を

4. わたしは げつようび___ かようび___ 9じ___ テレビ___ みます

と, に, に, を (is using に twice for a certain time on a certain day correct?)

5. あした___ あさって___ がっこう___ にほんご___ じゅぎょう___ あります

と, X (no particle for あした + あさって?), で, の, が

6. わたしは まいばん___ 10じ___ おふろ___ はいす

X (no particle for まいばん?), に, に

Are any of my answers incorrect? If so, I really appreciate any help on what I got wrong!

Second part, translations:

1. I have a Japanese class at 7:00 pm on Monday and Wednesday.

わたしは げつようびと すいようびに ごごしちじに にほんごの じゅぎょうが あります.

2. I read books at the library on Monday.

わたしは げつようびに としょかんで ほんを よみます. (is plural and singular ほん the same?)

3. I sometimes go to a movie.

わたしは ときどき えいがへ いきます. (へ instead of に because it's an event you're going to, right?)

4. I always do my homework on Sunday.

わたしは いつも にちようびに しゅくだいを します.

5. I go to bed at 11:00 every night.

わたしは まいばん じゅういちじに ねます.

6. I don't take a bath at all.

わたしは ぜんぜん おふろに はいりません.

7. I meet with my friend at Everett Mall this weekend.

わたしと ともだちは こんしゅうまつ エベレット モールに あいます. (this one is probably totally wrong, but I had to guess!)

Again I really appreciate any help! Thanks
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